Estas son las películas escogidas: "Tiempos modernos", "Caballo de batalla", "Leyendas de pasión", "Doctor Zhivago", "Reds", "Cabaret", "El gran dictador", "Enemigos a las puertas", "La lista de Schindler", "El hundimiento", " ¿Teléfono rojo? Volemos hacia Moscú", "Regreso al futuro" y "Goodbye Lenin".
Here you have a movie made by us about the history of Europe. The film begins with the Industrial Revolution (nineteenth century) and involves the entire history until the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989), which entailed the reunification of Germany. After this historic moment, futute European Union could start to grow up. Our aim is to show you our history in a dynamic way, collecting pieces of movies that we have put together as a single film; as well as we have to watch both our unity and our world.
These are the films selected: "Modern Times", "War Horse", "Legends of the Fall", "Doctor Zhivago", "Reds", "Cabaret", "The Great Dictator", "Enemy at the gates", "The Schindler's List ", "Downfall ","Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb","Back to the Future" and "Goodbye Lenin ".
Muy interesante, sobre todo el discurso final extraído de la película "El Gran Dictador", que 70 años después de que se rodase la película, sigue estando vigente.
Enhorabuena! El blog os ha quedado genial , y estais haciendo un extraordinario trabajo en el colegio. Espero que consigáis vuestro objetivo!